Archive | Pen & Links

I beat @leolaporte in a game of War

Here’s an interesting contest I stumbled on today. Unfortunately you’re too late to enter unless you can write an incredible application in under 10 kilobytes in less than a day. The 10K Apart contest challenges developers to write a web app in less than 10 kilobytes. The apps consist of a slew of the usual […]

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Appeal-Democrat | Archive | Page design

August 2010 Appeal-Democrat pages

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Archive | Pen & Links

You can’t trust anyone on the Internet

By now you’ve heard about the online document repository WikiLeaks leaking thousands of pages of documents related to the war in Afghanistan. And I say good on them. It’s about time the federal government learned what we should all know by now: Privacy is dead. There is no such thing as a private thought or […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

TV news has too much time on its hands

Your children may be doing drugs in their ears and you don’t even know it. Yeah I can’t seem to muster the proper level of feigned outrage over iDosing. The concept is you listen to sounds or music and they’re supposed to duplicate the effects of drugs. As usual, to 11 o’clock news will play […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

STOP USING IE6: A public service announcement

While many businesses were happy to hear that Windows XP recently got a reprieve from Microsoft, I was less than thrilled. It means that Internet Explorer 6 – the default browser with XP – is still alive. And not only is it alive, it’s growing according to research firm Net Applications. While I don’t agree […]

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