Archive | CBS Sacramento

DVD Review: Parade’s End

“They could not have picked a worse person to review this.” Those were the reassuring and entirely accurate words from my girlfriend after finishing Parade’s End. I’m the guy who has managed to fall asleep during Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, and some third British period piece that’s making me drowsy just thinking about it. And the beginning […]

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Archive | Sac News & Review

Fire sales

The third-generation salesman is TNT’s liaison to groups from northern Sacramento County all the way to Oroville. He spends his Fourth of July holidays on the road, making sure everything is running smoothly through a large swath of the Sacramento Valley.

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Archive | Sac News & Review

Find life’s random milestones

Versaries app Keeping track of birthdays is what a calendar is for. Keeping track of random numbers and numerical coincidences is what Versaries is for. The 99-cent iPhone app keeps track of the years, days and even seconds of your life with a steampunk feel. Add in when you started dating your significant other, and […]

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Archive | Sac News & Review

March rat-ness

I never saw myself as a rat person, until my girlfriend brought home a snail. I certainly didn’t see myself spending a weekend watching basketball with a trio of rodents. Lacey, the ever-caring animal lover that she is, couldn’t stand to let a snail, whose shell she pulled off trying to move it out of harm’s way, suffer. […]

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Archive | Ideas

Cable and Internet bundling: It’s Comcastic!

Comcast  announced it believes it’s stemming the tide in cable-cutters today, saying it lost its fewest customers in the past 5 years. In the company’s mind, it’s clearly winning the battle against people ditching its cable service. What Comcast fails to mention though, is that through a combination of bundling and its stranglehold on the […]

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