Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Buis’ Bits: Terminated

If I had $50 million, I wouldn’t use it to make millions of people tell me I’m wrong. Our wonderful governor, however, just wrote himself into a blockbuster hole. The script called for him to jump into California and tear the dirty hippies out here a new one. He was supposed to make the unions […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Buis’ Bits: No News

“This just might do nobody any good. “At the end of this discourse, a few people may accuse this reporter of fouling his own comfortable nest, and your organization may be accused of having given hospitality to heretical and even dangerous thoughts… “It is my desire, if not my duty, to try to talk to […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Buis’ Bits: Trick-or-treat like a man

There’s no such thing as being too old to trick-or-treat. Now before you run out in your “sexy” Charlie Brown ghost costume and raise Cain in the neighborhood, here’s the plan to make your All Saints Day truly memorable. If you’ve already bought your Halloween stash candy and it’s still October, you’re a fool.  There’s no […]

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