What if Jesus ran for president? Before joining the campaign, think about it. Maybe after 2,000 years, society has overblown his perfection and the only way we can learn the truth is if the messiah was just an ordinary person with vices like the rest of us. That’s the path local author and former politician […]
Category: The Orion
Between August 2004 and May 2007, I worked my way up through the award-winning Chico State University newspaper, The Orion. I started as an opinion columnist, became the assistant entertainment editor, then the assistant online editor, followed by being a photographer and assistant photo editor, and finally came back as opinion editor.
The smell of spray paint engulfed both floors of Taylor Hall Thursday afternoon while artist Christopher Benfield brought his latest creation to life in front of the public’s eyes as part of the two-artist exhibition, “Welcome to My World.” A spritz of orange and a blotch of black were released onto a piece of cardboard […]
Spring break is seen as an escape to Cancun or some other place where it isn’t safe to drink the water. For those students who don’t want to force themselves into debt for a week-long vacation, here’s a chance to catch up on TV shows you might have missed while you were busy studying or […]
Detective Jim Dunbar was blinded by a gunshot while saving three officers from a madman with an AK-47. In the new series “Blind Justice” on ABC, Dunbar fights for his job back. The co-creator of the show, Matt Olmstead, graduated from Chico State in 1988 with bachelor’s degrees in journalism and English. Originally from Santa […]
“I’m your anger shaman,” Henry Rollins said. “I’m in the trenches of hate looking out for your best interests.” Rollins, former lead singer of Black Flag, channeled the rage of most of the audience into a dynamic performance Feb. 16 as part of his “Shock and Awe My Ass” spoken word tour. The almost two […]
A musical extravaganza spanning four countries in two continents will hit Laxson Auditorium Saturday night when the Men of Steel follow up last year’s performance for the Eighth Annual International Guitar Festival. The four-man group will have two performances to benefit Northstate Public Radio KCHO and KFPR. “We’re a non-profit radio station,” said Jack Brown, […]
When people think of classical music, dead people are all that come to mind. This weekend, though, people will get a taste of classical from the 21st century. The Alfred Loeffler New Music Symposium will give audiences a chance to not only hear some music written within the walls of Chico State, but an affordable […]
Puppies, homicide and the Great Depression were a combination powerful enough to fill the Birdcage Theatre’s seats Saturday night. Even the spare lawn chairs by the men’s room were recruited to seat the overflow crowd for “Of Mice and Men” in Oroville For those not familiar with John Steinbeck’s novel (he also co-authored the play), […]
It was a long climb up the stairs at the Blue Room Theatre on a day that never warmed. Only half the seats were filled at the summit. It wasn’t New Year’s Eve yet, but a trio of young women celebrated with a bottle of champagne before the lights went out and “Wintertime” began. As […]
It didn’t matter that the Panthers couldn’t overcome Favre on Monday night. By the end of the first week of the NFL season, I was already 5-10. That 11th loss was just an extra nail in my coffin. Out of 16 games, I only picked five of the winners. Thanks to my worst week ever, […]