Archive | Opinion | The Orion

You won’t find ‘stoned slackers’ here

After the first presidential debate had been hashed to pieces by pundits and know-it-alls, I was reminded by “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” that John Kerry’s obliteration of Bush wasn’t a great achievement. Kerry beat a man in a debate who’s choked on a pretzel. I didn’t hesitate to laugh, but an important thought […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Students still getting cop blocked

With Labor Day weekend passed and another chapter in the annals of tubing written, we have the same-ol’-same-ol’ issues. It’s a bunch of ruthless and awful college students getting together and partying. Or is it a bunch of uptight cops getting agitated because people are trying to have fun? Actually it’s a little of both […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Olympics one big reality show

I came to a conclusion while watching the Olympics; the Beijing games in 2008 will be much longer than four years away and will be even more painful to watch. NBC confused me royally with their mammoth 24-hour 7-channel lineup. Unlike the Nagano Nightmare CBS provided with the 1998 Winter Olympics, there are events broadcast […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Media makes coverage mess

The room was packed. People would scream, clap and dance as they heard the promise of a better tomorrow. Hope sprang eternal. The tyrant would be overthrown. John Kerry was Elijah, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed all in one long-faced body. Some people call this preaching to the choir. How many Republican and third-party voters would […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Sports becoming child’s play

Idiots rushed the stands, idiots came on the floor and all hell spilled loose in a melee to give both sides a huge black eye. Whose fault is it, anyway? While much has been made of Ron Artest jumping into the stands, who shoved him after the hard foul? Who threw the cup at him […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Give thanks for family holiday

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go. Wait, it was over a creek and a 30-minute drive on an asphalt road to Grandmother’s house. There were trees off the shoulders, and there were the occasional cracks in the road. My point is, for Thanksgiving there wasn’t the huge rush for […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Four more years bad for U.S.

What do you call someone responsible for the deaths of more than 1,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians? Ready for impeachment. If we can nail a president for lying about having his pickle tickled, then this should be a cinch. Former Texas Rangers owner George W. Bush has at least three strikes against […]

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Archive | Opinion | The Orion

Hobbit skeleton a metaphor for life

Last year, we discovered midgets. As a culture, we have gotten to be so amazing at piecing together how things should be that we can look at a skeleton and define a person’s lifestyle. I guess this makes us equal-opportunity morons. Homo florsiensis was, according to scientists, about three feet tall, weighed 55 pounds and […]

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