Archive | Pen & Links

The absolutely sweetest shirt ever made

Here’s the No. 1 item on Amazon’s apparel list right now: “This item has wolves on it which makes it intrinsically sweet and worth 5 stars by itself, but once I tried it on, that’s when the magic happened. After checking to ensure that the shirt would properly cover my girth, I walked from my […]

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Want a little more news?

Yep it’s another day of news stories. It’s spring cleaning in May Pirating is so wrong, but if you’re going to do it and you work in a government office, please make sure you aren’t sharing things to the Internet. Better yet, if you can’t explain how Lime Wire works, don’t use it. My life […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Here we go again with some more stories

I’m shedding more and more weight this weekend. No, it’s not sweat from the heat, it’s lightening my bookmark load. Second Life is slapping a price tag on freaky times in the online world. While businesses and furries have been obsessed with this magical land of alternate reality, I still haven’t been tempted to join. […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Wolfram Alpha is not preying on Google

Before we go through the next batch of interesting news stories, I want to clear up a common misconception: Wolfram Alpha is not Google The new search engine is not another Cuil (yeah remember them? They still don’t think I exist). Instead it’s a great learning tool that provides some interesting information for research. Not […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Want more tech news? How about this?

Like I said, my bookmarks folder hates me because I fill it so full. Time to release some pressure. As mentioned on C3 of Friday’s Appeal-Democrat, the video game industry is down for the second straight month. Of course this is the second straight month where there was a major release last year and not […]

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I’m not done with you yet Amazon Kindle!

File this one as reason No. 123 why the Kindle isn’t going to save newspapers: Dallas Morning News CEO James Moroney testified before the U.S. Senate the day the Kindle DX was announced that Amazon wanted a pretty penny for content: 70 percent. That’s right, Amazon plops the content on its device, does none of […]

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The MPAA and RIAA can kiss my A

It’s official: The war over copyright has officially branched into crazy land. There were many times this could have been declared in the past, but an article I ran across on Ars Technica sealed the deal today. The Motion Picture Association of America has a video circulating recommending teachers not rip DVDs to show clips […]

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No more ‘Days in Fallujah’

Game-maker Konami announced it has put the kibosh on an Iraq War game called “Six Days in Fallujah” less than a month after officially announcing the title. The game was supposed to be set from the perspective of a Marine during the second battle of Fallujah in 2004 (by the way, Fallujah is in Iraq). […]

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