Some of you may get a laugh out of this. A friend of mine saw a headline on TV “More airlines embracing furry travelers.” Now before you click on the link, guess what the story is about. If your thoughts veered near costumes, you’ve been on the Internet long enough.
Category: Pen & Links
A year into my work as a copy editor for the Appeal-Democrat, I started a technology blog for the newspaper. Among the accomplishments were covering both the 2009 and 2010 Macworld shows in San Francisco and liveblogging Apple’s final keynote address at the event in 2009.
We had a meeting today at the paper to discuss a bunch of interesting and important things we want to try and do that are off in the not-too distant future that I’m not going to say what it is right now since it’s just a jumping off point for what popped into my head […]
When I read about various portions of the U.S. government getting whacked in a cyber attack over the holiday weekend, I imagined some sort of sophisticated Mission Impossible setup taking advantage of the smaller staff sizes to infiltrate the system. What I didn’t see was Kim Jong Il essentially leading an army of elephants to […]
I almost fell out of my chair today at work while I was culling the news for today and found that Jammie Thomas was ordered to pay $1.92 million to the Recording Industry *ahems* of America. For those of you who haven’t been following the story, Thomas is a Minnesota mother who was one of […]
Today’s the big day when most analog signals are shut off and it’s all digital from here. Let us know if you’re having trouble getting a signal or if you want to tell your tale of finally getting ready for a new era of television. Click on the link below that says “Post a Comment” […]
If you’re looking to buy a computer with Windows installed and want to save a few bucks, don’t buy it just yet. A leaked Best Buy memo pegs June 26 as the day to go buy your machine and qualify for a free upgrade to Windows 7. Granted, you won’t actually get Windows 7 on […]
Project Natal grabbed headlines early on, and apparently grabbed a well-known Wii hacker for the development process. But I couldn’t quite get past the name. A fully immersive experience with a name related to small children…where have I heard this before? Oh yeah. The anti-abortion crowd might want to look into this… I’m personally stupidly […]
I ran into this piece of work courtesy of from a man who claims Bald Bull proclaims Allah Akbar when he throws a hook. The phrase translates to “God is Great.” From that, the guy goes off the deep end and says the game is promoting Islamic militancy. First off, the phrase “God is […]
This week the first software patent was granted 28 years ago. Sounds like a good reason to bring about some more news stories, right? The RIAA has someone tearing into their blanket of lawsuits: Harvard Law School. If you want a great example of what a load of crap copy protection and copyright is, look […]
Electronics retailer Circuit City is back — sort of. Don’t run down to Roseville or up to Chico looking for the doors to open because they’re still locked and if you do happen to get inside, the cops will probably bust you for trespassing. The only part of Circuit City that’s back is its Web […]