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White House information? There’s an app for that

Surfing through the iTunes Store I stumbled on the recently released application from the White House detailing all of the things the Obama Administration is doing and all those great things about openness and joy. But enough of that, I’m more easily entertained by the random 1-star reviews. Some random quotes: “Do they repent the […]

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Twilight is No. 1 Netflix rental at Beale

Our newest database at the Appeal-Democrat features the most popular rentals of 2009 in the Mid-Valley through Netflix. Big thanks to Interactive Content Producer Robert LaHue for doing the legwork on putting this together. Some interesting tidbits from this search: • “Twilight” made a big impression in the Mid-Valley, though it was only at the […]

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What does Google think I should do?

When I stumbled on this post describing how to tell what men and women are thinking through Google’s suggested searches, it occurred to me that I need to share some of my discoveries with the world: Why does: it rain hurt when I pee it hurt when you lose your virginity burn when I pee […]

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Time to take a Tech Dump

Now that CES is over, news is starting to roll out of the tech world. It’s time for another of my signature Tech Dumps: • Firefox 3.6 has hit release candidate status, though I’m still not sure I’ve found a reason to download it. Sure Personas makes things look pretty, but I’m eh on it […]

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More China with a side of robot sex

China – the country with an Internet policy to strike fear into anyone who actually wants to use the Internet – stepped up its game last week in Internet filtering. While it wasn’t able to force manufacturers to install its Green Dam software on computers to filter out all of the nasty things like “Violence,” […]

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How about a post full of government joy?

For the first week of the new year, a lot of government-related news came filing down the tech wire. • The inevitable Justice Department review of the Comcast/NBC deal begins a bitter election-year fight over control of media. • On top of that, a federal appeals court told the Federal Communications Commission that it might […]

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Google threatens to pull out of China

Internet search megalith Google is threatening to pull out of China after human rights activists’ e-mail accounts were breached. Needless to say I’m shocked. “But they’re a liberal company whose motto is ‘Do No Evil,’” you might say. Yes but they’re also not stupid. China is a growing market in terms of tech and has […]

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Who wins in the Netflix-Warner Bros. deal?

Warner Bros. and Netflix signed a deal in which I’m still not sure who won. Warner Bros. gets a 28-day delay in new DVD availability to Netflix. Netflix gets a larger chunk of Warner Bros. back catalog of movies for streaming online. Warner Bros. gets 28 days to sell more new-release DVDs instead of customers […]

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CTA loses to GTA

Every once in awhile my odd Libertarian-Internet stance finds something that tickles my fancy. One such instance came when the Northern District Court of Illinois granted a preliminary injunction in a case over video game advertising. The Chicago Transit Authority wanted ads for Grand Theft Auto IV banned from its system because of the game’s […]

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