While Nintendo is panicking a little about the 3DS and its effects on small children’s eyes, there is some good news. By March, the latest incarnations of the wildly popular Pokemon series will hit the U.S. Pokemon Black and Pokemon White offer another 150 new creatures solely to piss off those who thought they already […]
Category: Pen & Links
A year into my work as a copy editor for the Appeal-Democrat, I started a technology blog for the newspaper. Among the accomplishments were covering both the 2009 and 2010 Macworld shows in San Francisco and liveblogging Apple’s final keynote address at the event in 2009.
Shock of all shocks, Nintendo is freaking out too much about the 3-D display for its 3DS, which launches this Spring. In case you missed it, just before New Year’s Nintendo echoed its previous warnings about kids under the age of 6 using the 3DS. The company is concerned about it affecting the development of […]
If you picked up today’s Appeal-Democrat, you might have noticed our CES coverage has begun in earnest. Well, actually it began Tuesday-ish, but the actual expo begins today. One of the stories we highlighted was the fight between pay-TV companies and tech companies providing competition such as Boxee and Roku. Comcast is part of that […]
Handbrake, my beloved choice for DVD ripping, has released its first update in more than a year. This update pushes the software to version 0.9.5. Highlights include updated presets for video encoding and a variety of things that would probably mean more to videophiles than to me. Those changes I’ll include at the bottom with […]
Hulu Plus isn’t going away. Yet. But I know I’ve decided to toss my subscription. Part of it is because of redundancy with Netflix, which now has its own iPhone app. But mostly it’s the same thing that’s plagued Hulu since its inception – a lack of consistent content that’s consistently available. Rather than rehash […]
With vacation season finally coming to a close, I’m able to get back to writing more. Hooray. In my searches through the tech news I’ve missed out on, I’ve decided I’m going to skip out on Star Wars on Blu-Ray. Granted I don’t own either trilogy (sexology?) on DVD, but George Lucas has deemed converting […]
Do you want to listen to the latest Yuba City Unified School District meeting? I hope you have a good internet connection. The Aug. 24 meeting audio, linked to in the left column of the page, weighs in at a whopping 1.06 gigabytes. In other words, over 1,000 megabytes. By the way, because I know […]
Here’s an interesting contest I stumbled on today. Unfortunately you’re too late to enter unless you can write an incredible application in under 10 kilobytes in less than a day. The 10K Apart contest challenges developers to write a web app in less than 10 kilobytes. The apps consist of a slew of the usual […]
With as much as I’ve griped about the lack of Internet service providers in this area, it shouldn’t come as a shock that I leaped on the chance to find out more about another option for the Yuba-Sutter area. As an added bonus for reading this, I’ll even point out a few job openings created […]
By now you’ve heard about the online document repository WikiLeaks leaking thousands of pages of documents related to the war in Afghanistan. And I say good on them. It’s about time the federal government learned what we should all know by now: Privacy is dead. There is no such thing as a private thought or […]