Archive | Pen & Links

So about that whole security thing from yesterday

Remember how I told you yesterday to try to come up with really complicated passwords to protect yourself from hackers? Well first off let’s grab that really complicated password here. Now how on earth are you going to remember that password? Well with this product, things get a little bit easier. The Eikon Digital Privacy Manager comes in […]

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iTunes DRM free music disappears?

I decided I’d give the DRM free upgrade option a shot, but it seems to have disappeared from the store as of about 10 minutes ago. A bit of an oddity. The store is riddled with broken links. Odds are it’s the result of slammed servers since everyone is trying to upgrade their music. As you […]

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Axiotron Modbook

This is on my list of “things I want to do if I ever get the money together.” The Axiotron Modbook has been out officially for about a year, but its roots began at Macworld two years ago where it took the Best of Show award. The concept is simple. Take a Mac and make it into […]

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Archive | Pen & Links


Voila all in all is a pretty solid paint application that is a great alternative to trying to fiddle with Photoshop. For presentations that can pop, Global Delight has a solution which can fit most budgets. It makes quick work of grabbing screenshots for instructions like so Or maybe add a few descriptions to a […]

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Macworld Keynote LIVE

I’m going to try to fake it live, there might be a small delay or I might get cut off, who knows? That’s part of the adventure. I’ll be updating this post as we go along, so keep refreshing. If you have any questions, e-mail them to . I’m going to write a more […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

The predictions

And now the long awaited predictions post where I finally predict what’s going to happen tomorrow during the Keynote. 1) Expect to hear about Snow Leopard and see it released by the end of the month. 2) New Mac Minis. I’d expect them to have the same size as they have now, but with a […]

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Make sure your passwords are safe

Or may find this being broadcast to followers around the world. We’ve been assured that CNN’s Rick Sanchez didn’t call into work because he was high on crack, but his Twitter feed was hacked into. It’s unrelated to a phishing scam that’s been going around and hijacking Twitter accounts. This is as good a time as any to remind […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

I’m all a-Twitter

Yep, we’re officially on Twitter, you can add penlinks to your feed to get all sorts of wonderful updates, news and information. What’s Twitter? It’s a form of micro-blogging (or short writings) where people can update others with what they’re doing with 140 character posts. In other words, it’s a place for people to answer […]

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Steve finally reveals his health

It feels nice to be right once in awhile. Steve Jobs isn’t on his deathbed after all. In a nice day-before-keynote surprise, Apple’s CEO announced what’s really going on with his health. It turns out it’s a hormonal imbalance causing weight loss which he expects to recover from by May or June. Whether or not it’s […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Welcome to Macworld

Coming to you live from Moscone Center South in the basement, I’ve finally made it. To a basement. Well, technically it’s not a basement, it’s in the actual expo hall, but I call it a basement because where I’m at is below street level. I’ll give a more visual tour later, but for now, I’ll just be […]

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