Archive | Pen & Links

Random application recommendation

As much as I love using WordPress to write to this blog, it can be a hassle trying to log into the system, make everything work beautifully and put in a post. Sometimes I’m away from an Internet connection (yes, that’s still quite possible nowadays) and the inspiration hits me for a post. I’ve been […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Podcast of the Week: Security Now

This week I’m recommending something to help you feel a little more secure on the Internet. From the plethora of podcasts Leo Laporte hosts and helps produce comes “Security Now.” Laporte and co-host Steve Gibson take a look at the latest creepy-crawlies on the Internet waiting to infect your machine. Of course they don’t have […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Podcast of the Week: Mac OS Ken

A new feature I’m adding to the blog is a Podcast of the Week section. The first recommendation I’m going to make is a show that essentially personifies what a podcast is and how grassroots it can be. Mac OS Ken is a daily show which brings news about Apple, the Mac and the iPhone […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Free? And save money? Yowza!

In these troubling economic times it’s always nice to find a way to save a few cents here and there. A new app coming down the pipe soon for the iPhone and iPod Touch will help you do just that. Yowza plans to offer deals and coupons downloadable and scannable (two words after I write […]

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Archive | Pen & Links

Bill Gates unleashes mosquito swarm at conference

Valleywag is reporting that Bill Gates did something straight out of an Onion story at the TED conference (short for technology, entertainment and design) when he unleashed a swarm of mosquitoes to make a point about his foundation’s efforts to combat malaria. As quoted from a Facebook manager’s Twitter post, Gates said: “Not only poor […]

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