The first thing you’ll notice in this post is this is going to be one of the rare ones where I don’t link to anything. There’s been a lot of shadiness as far as the way this story has progressed to the point where I’m not going to risk giving page views to Gizmodo. That […]
Author: Kyle Buis
The non-partisan Government Accountability Office took a look at the RIAA’s and MPAA’s claims about the toll piracy is taking on the business and said the numbers often used by the groups is crap: Three commonly cited estimates of U.S. industry losses due to counterfeiting have been sourced to U.S. agencies, but cannot be substantiated […]
We could be in big trouble soon. The Federal Communications Commission’s attempt to regulate the Internet was shot down by a federal appeals court on Tuesday. The court ruled that the FCC couldn’t levy a fine against Comcast for its packet-shaping efforts in 2008 since the commission lacked the power under the law. This is […]
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As is the case with any trade show, there were a plethora of cases and skins for the iPhone available. Personally the case I have from Casecrown works great for me and I’ve never felt the need to put a skin on anything, but some of the offerings this year from Uncommon caught my eye […]
Blue Microphones, maker of the same Snowball USB microphone we use at the Appeal-Democrat, has released a new microphone for the iPhone and iPod Touch called Mikey. It’s a strong, professional sounding microphone that is a great addition for a mobile recording setup. The microphone features a 1/8″ line-in jack to plug in a different […]
U-Socket was a Best of Show winner at Macworld for good reason. It’s a simple idea that I’m surprised hadn’t been developed before and at a great price. It’s an outlet that has the standard two plugs, plus two more for USB charging. It’s expected to ship in the first quarter of this year for […]
I was bummed out when I missed Kevin Smith’s presentation at Macworld because I got the days confused, but at least I was able to make it home. Granted, I was driving and not flying like Smith did. Southwest Airlines booted him from a flight because they said he didn’t properly fit in the seat. […]
Quick thought after running through the Moscone Center today: It’s smaller in here, just like the products making up a boatload of the booths at Macworld 2010. I did stumble into a sign that at least says they’re planning on having it again next year, but I wonder if they’ll be at Moscone next year. […]