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Author: Kyle Buis
It’s a small paper today so I’ll be focusing on one of my ongoing projects: Slashing the hell out of my bookmarks folder until it’s not bursting at the sames. Amazingly enough though, Safari 4 hasn’t given me any problems when it comes to opening 300 tabs at the same time. Granted they’re all news […]
I got a kick out of seeing a Microsoft executive touting his claim that Apple’s legal team insisted they pull down some of its laptop hunter ads because Apple dropped some of its prices. Why? Because I haven’t had a chance to enjoy tearing some poor argument to pieces in awhile. As the author of […]
Did you miss Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference this year and wish there was a way to watch hours upon hours of video for a fraction of the cost of actually attending the event? Well developers need not worry about missing anything if they’re willing to fork out a few hundred dollars. Apple has released the […]
Two massively flawed rulings are hopefully on their way to being remedied. First the MySpace Mom Lori Drew is free after her convictions for bullying a 13-year-old girl who eventually committed suicide were tossed. While her actions were horrific and reprehensible, the law was not applied properly in this case. They tried to use laws […]
As I mentioned previously, a chance for broadband to expand and grow in the Yuba-Sutter area may be on its way as the FCC is getting a plan together to dole out the funds. Who’s deciding where this money goes? It could be you. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration, known the world over for […]
One of the single greatest sites/applications available will live to see another day at the end of a lengthy battle over royalties. Pandora radio is, as it says on its site, “a new kind of radio – stations that play only music you like.” You start with an artist you like and it’ll create a […]
Some of you may get a laugh out of this. A friend of mine saw a headline on TV “More airlines embracing furry travelers.” Now before you click on the link, guess what the story is about. If your thoughts veered near costumes, you’ve been on the Internet long enough.
We had a meeting today at the paper to discuss a bunch of interesting and important things we want to try and do that are off in the not-too distant future that I’m not going to say what it is right now since it’s just a jumping off point for what popped into my head […]
When I read about various portions of the U.S. government getting whacked in a cyber attack over the holiday weekend, I imagined some sort of sophisticated Mission Impossible setup taking advantage of the smaller staff sizes to infiltrate the system. What I didn’t see was Kim Jong Il essentially leading an army of elephants to […]